#THIS IS INSANW whagt the hell. this is absurd
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unknownarmageddon · 1 month ago
the rain outside seemed endless, and every boom of thunder rattled the windows, and, sometimes, he could feel it all through his bones and teeth.
killer flicked the spoon in his cup around, pushing it along the rim of his cup, absently watching the steam from the cup brush against the window, fogging it up.
the rain pelted against the window, hard, like a swarm of bees trying to get inside, and killer felt tempted to let them inside if only to get rid of the irritating sound of hard rain on the glass.
cross's snoring was the only sound he could tolerate right then, the rumbling rattle of his ribs pleasant. it was like white noise, a buffer that separated his bones from the restless feeling pricking along them.
it was some kind of rain storm or something like that. killer didn't pay attention to stuff like weather forecasts, but cross did, so cross insisted and damn near forced him to stay inside until the storm died down and he could go outside without getting caught in freezing rainwater or iced roads or whatever.
killer tapped his fingers on the table, twisting to get a better look outside, and he could see people traversing outside still. cross was overreacting, killer would be fine outside, he was certain of it.
killer flicked a finger at the window latch, heaving a sigh. he pulled the curtains closed, and rolled off the table cross had against the wall, padding over to the sleeping fellow and crawling over him, yanking the blanket thrown over the back of the couch to cover them both up.
sleeping through it was the best option. he didn't want to deal with cross's bitching if killer skipped out on him, and he didn't want to be awake through out the entire storm, which, fuck knows how long that would take, so sleeping through it would make it go by faster.
he let his arm dangle off the side of the couch, and his head nestled against cross's rumbling chest, uncaring of the smears he was rubbing into cross's nice white tee. he wormed his legs between cross's, finding it more comfortable to lie with his legs against the cushions of the couch than the hard bones of cross's legs.
killer tugged the blanket up over his shoulders, using the hand not currently hanging off the couch to thread his fingers between cross's ribcage, slipping it beneath cross's shirt, just to be petty.
cross's expression pinched at the cold touch, an unhappy grumble on his breath. killer pressed his cheek harder to cross's sternum through cross's shirt and gave his own grumble, leaving an eye cracked to watch whatever nonsense was playing on the tv.
the flicker and crack of lightning jerk him awake, and killer only feels warmth around him; warm all along his from, and warm along his back, and his sides, like he was in a cocoon.
it threatened to drag him back into sleep but he pushed that aside, eyes cracking open at the warm air puffing against his forehead, and found himself staring at the column of cross's throat. his arms were crushed between their chests, his legs tangled with cross's, the two of them still beneath the blanket he'd put over them earlier.
the warm, heavy weight of cross's arm made itself known, strewn over his side and hand limp against his lower back.
he blinked slowly, his eyes crusted and itchy with dried black. his mouth felt dry too, and his legs already felt restless with the urge to move.
he squirmed, finding that he was mushed between cross and the back cushions of the couch. it wasn't that bad, honestly, but he found he was becoming less and less of a fan of this the longer he couldn't move much.
killer grunted, squirming hard, grumbling cross's name, and cross's ribcage expanded as he stirred, inhaling deeply, pressing into killer's ribcage again, and killer had the fleeting concern about where his soul was in this equation.
considering his motor controls weren't in his favor right now, killer elected to use his teeth rather than his hands, and nipped at cross's jaw, blowing air at him and hissing, "dude, let me up."
"sshhu'p..," cross muttered, moving, and his arms moved, tightening around killer and drawing him upwards enough for cross to bury his face in his neck, seeking out darkness to chase after the sleep killer was trying to get him out of.
killer grumbled, going limp. it really wasn't that bad, being stuck in cross's embrace. it sapped the fight from killer, and he sagged further into cross's hold, heaving a sigh.
he woke up to the rush of cold air around his soul, the stark and abrupt change in temperature jolting him awake and killer groaned at the loss of cross's body heat.
his vision was bathed with darkness from the gathered fluid that had built up behind his eyesockets, spilling out when he cracked his eye open and he slid a hand across the couch, feeling the warm spot cross left behind.
"m'mwher'd y'go.."
a light turned on, and killer cringed away from it, squeezing his eyes shut, cracking them open as cross's shadow spilled over him and he squinted up at him, scowling.
"where'd'ya think yer goin'?" killer demanded, more asleep still than awake, and cross's expression was not pleased, a brow raised. his shirt was covered with black stains, something that gave killer a dash of smug pride, before it was smothered as cross dragged him up from the warmth of the blanket.
"C'mon, you need a shower."
cross didn't even sound sleepy, just a left over timber to his voice that he had some mornings. how long had he been awake??
killer stumbled as he was heaved up from the couch, resigned to his fate. this wasn't the first time cross had dragged him into a shower after sleeping together. it always grossed cross out a little, to see how much black would spill from killer's eyes when he opened them after sleeping.
killer shook off the sleep that still clung to him, though it was more so scared away when his bare foot touched the cold tile of cross's bathroom, and he hissed, dragging himself onto the counter instead to escape the freezing cold floor.
"fuck man," he complained, which went ignored as cross twisted the shower handle, and the clunky pipes rattled before the showerhead trembled and spat out a drizzle of water.
the water pressure here was shit. and, with how cold it was outside, and the sleet/rain storm they'd had before, there wouldn't be enough hot water for both of them to have separate showers; that much, killer knew, after last winter.
cross started peeling off his own clothes, blithe and uncaring at the moment. he'd done this plenty of times before, and between the two of them, nudity wasn't that much of a thing.
unless killer made it weird. then it was weird.
cross's shorts dropped on the floor, and he kicked them aside, before he started on killer, pulling him from the counter and letting him stand on cross's discarded clothes. "hurry up. i don't think the water's going to be warm much longer."
killer stuck his tongue out, muttering, "of all the times you're in a hurry to get me undressed, it has to be when i'm freezing my sacrum off."
cross flicked water at him, earning a hiss and a snap of teeth in his direction.
killer shucked his clothes off, tossing them onto the floor, a rattle running through his bones as the cold bit into him. he yanked the shower curtain aside, hopping into the shower with cross, and groaning his delight at the hot water that washed over him.
cross muttered a half-hearted complaint about killer hogging the water, but rather than push him out of the stream, he turned to run a soapy rag over killer's face, rubbing circles into the bones to scrub away the dark stains there. only when the water stopped running grey did he move on.
killer leaned against him for the majority of it, grinning that stupid grin of his as cross took control of the shower time, turning killer this way and that to scrub off patches of grime.
he shoved killer out of the shower when he tried to get kissy, though, and that was the end of that.
killer snagged a towel, taking a moment to leer at cross before scurrying off to steal some of cross's clothes and heading into the kitchen, his feet haphazardly shoved into a pair of random sneakers, if only to keep his feet off the floor.
killer took up his usual spot, leaning against the counter where it met into a corner, the sink on one side and the coffee machine on the other. he busied himself with getting a pot going, fingers rapping against the countertop, his sockets half-open and focused on the slow dribble of black bean water that slowly filled the pot up.
"i've gotta go to work in a few minutes," was the first thing cross said upon joining him.
"aren't you the one who said it's too risky to drive on iced up roads or whatever?? why y'goin to work after that shitstorm?"
"jerry called me in," cross said, shrugging, "it's not like i can tell him no."
"yeah you can. like this; 'no'," killer retorted, pointing to his own mouth as he demonstrated how to say no. cross snorted, and took up a spot opposite of killer. he opened a cabinet, taking out the stupid, overly pink cat mug killer liked to use and his own, much more normal cup.
"if y'had a real job, you'd know that's not how it works."
"i've worked scummy jobs like yers before, pretty boy. i'd say i know the in's n outs enough to say, yeah. you can straight up say no."
"not where i work."
"jerry can suck my dick."
"you don't have one."
killer guffawed, hand on his chest in mock offense. "for your information, i have a massive dick right in front of me," giving cross a pointed look.
cross rewarded him with a chuckle, clicking the coffee machine off and tugging the pot out. a droplet of coffee dripped from the spout, hitting the heating plate below it and hissing loud, bubbling.
"are you staying here when i leave or are you going to stalk me again?"
killer helpfully took the coffee pot to fill his own cup, and cross turned, tugging open the fridge to pull out the creamer and taking a bottle of honey off the counter. he cracked open the creamer, pouring it into killer's cup, and added about a spoonful of honey to his own cup.
the coffee pot went back into the machine, and killer dragged the sugar over, adding a shit load of sugar to his, "dunno yet. downtown's been callin m'name all week."
killer dunked the spook into his cup, stirring it until it whirlpooled and then letting cross have the spoon to stir his own cup. cross popped the spoon into his mouth, humming as he put the creamer and honey back.
he tugged it out, "another client or a joyride?"
"why not both?" killer asked, winking as he took the spoon back and dropped it into the sink. he took a healthy gulp of his coffee, sighing in delight as he downed half of his sugary cocktail.
"try not to get into a fight with that fishery stocker boy again. and try not to bring half of your work back with you again, i'm genuinely not cleaning up your mess again if you pull up with another person dripping off your clothes. the stains are hard to get out."
"jeez, you're like a mom. and not even the cool, caring kind."
cross scoffed, and blew on his coffee before taking a small sip, pushing away from the counter, "and you're a deadbeat. wash that cup when you're done."
he set his coffee down on the counter and loped off to find his jacket, and killer downed the rest of his coffee, decidedly not going to wash it, and vaulted over the back of the couch to plop onto the spot they'd slept on, his arms under his head.
"yo, crossy, mind if i borrow a jacket too?"
"no," cross called back, "you made a mess of the last jacket i let you borrow and lost it a week later."
"booo, you're so lame."
cross appeared overhead, leaning down over killer's head until they were nose to nose, though cross was upside down, holding himself up with his hands planted on the couch.
he mashed a kiss to killer's mouth, the position uncomfortable and not at all great for kissing, but whatever. he pulled away, "later, kills," and the door shut a moment later, and killer was left alone.
he wiped his mouth, huffing, and licking his hand of whatever cross had left on his mouth. it tasted like black coffee, which killer was not a fan of.
THE END!!!!!!!!
-storytime anon
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